Technique | Research

Reaction - Diffusion

December 2019

The process of Reaction-Diffusion is the next step from a deterministic system like Tessellation (see blog "Tesselation") to a system that is self-organizing and can change and evolve by adjusting parameters and conditions. The so called Turing Patterns, manifested in mathematical terms by Alan Turing in 1952, are believed to be the reason for the emergence of a wide variety of patterns found in nature (Staff, 2018). This theory might explain patterns like the stripes of a zebra, the ripples in sand or even the arrangement of fingers. It could also represent the interconnection between two contrary networks. In terms of our built environment this could be interpreted as the interconnection between human and non-human networks.

Reaction-Diffusion is a process that incorporates only two parameters in the equation. When analyzing landscapes in a systemic way it becomes obvious that the entity of the biosphere is a lot more complex and many more external forces play a role in the final outcome of the system.


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