Korbinian Enzinger (Dipl.-Ing.)

I'm an artist, architect, researcher and educator. After completing my Master degree in Architecture at the University of Innsbruck I've been working as a computational designer for EcoLogicStudio in London developing Projects which have been exhibited at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Biennale Architectura in Venice as well as the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow.

Currently I'm working as a Senior Lecturer at the Synthetic Landscape Lab, Institute of Urban Design in Innsbruck, teaching design courses and developing academic projects in various scales.

My research focuses on the intersection of Architecture and Biology with the goal of creating mutualistic relationships between human and non-human entities.

Mutualism between human and non-human starts with ecological awareness. To realize that life on earth is only possible through the interaction and synergy between millions or even billions of different organisms that inhabit it.

Earth acts as an entity, just like the human body contains trillions of microorganisms that play an essential role to its' health. This entity has closely controlled self-regulatory feedback loops that keep the conditions on the planet within boundaries that are favourable to life. That means that biodiversity and the entity of earths "health" is not just how well organisms adapt to their environment, but more importantly how capable these organism are to create a symbiosis within their environment. During the Anthropocene, and accelerating rapidly since the industrial revolution, human development more and more became like a parasite killing it's own host.

The goal is to evolve our common and mostly rigid understanding of architecture and develope design solutions which are able to change the way we interact with our environment with the ultimate goal of a mutualistic relationship between human and non-human instead of a parasitic one.